The Twitter Files Part 4-6

The Twitter Files Part 4-6

Elon Musk became the owner and CEO of Twitter on October 27, 2022, after acquiring the social media company for $44 billion. Since December, Elon Musk has recruited investigative journalists to uncover corruption from previous Twitter employees and executives. Elon gave each journalist full access to Twitter servers and Slack messaging channels from previous Twitter management. Elon believes in order to move forward with Twitter; Twitter must be fully transparent. The Twitter Files are evidence of corruption and censorship from previous Twitter management. This series will summarize each release of the Twitter Files.

Disclaimer: TIME IS MONEY does not share an opinion on The Twitter Files.

  • All images are links to the tweets.
  • Images of text (in the tweets) are slack messages between employees, politicians, and executives.
  • To view the messages, click the image to be redirected to the tweet.

Part 4:

@ShellenbergerMD on Twitter
  • After the events of January 6th, Twitter became pressured to ban Trump.
  • Before the ban on Twitter, Meta (Facebook) bans Trump on all platforms.
@ShellenbergerMD on Twitter
@ShellenbergerMD on Twitter
  • Twitter receives many messages and tweets from influencers requesting a permanent ban on Trump.

Part 5:

@elonmusk on Twitter
@bariweiss on Twitter
  • Twitter struggled with the decision to ban Trump because of the ideals they were built on.
  • Slack messages show Twitter employees acknowledged Trump did not violate the terms of service.
  • Quotes from employees ⬇️:
  • “It's pretty clear he's saying the ‘American Patriots’ are the ones who voted for him and not the terrorists (we can call them that, right?) from Wednesday.”
  • “I also am not seeing clear or coded incitement in the DJT tweet,” wrote Anika Navaroli, a Twitter policy official. “I’ll respond in the elections channel and say that our team has assessed and found no vios” or violations “for the DJT one.”
  • Another employee agreed: “Don’t see the incitement angle here.”
  • Next, Twitter’s safety team decides that Trump’s 7:44 am ET tweet is also not in violation. They are unequivocal: “it’s a clear no vio. It’s just to say he’s not attending the inauguration”
@bariweiss on Twitter
  • After Navaroli acknowledged Trump didn't promote violence, she testified to the January 6th committee, saying: “For months I had been begging and anticipating and attempting to raise the reality that if nothing if we did not intervene what I saw occurring, people were going to die.”
  • "To understand Twitter’s decision to ban Trump, we must consider how Twitter deals with other heads of state and political leaders, including in Iran, Nigeria, and Ethiopia."-Bari Weiss
@bariweiss on Twitter
@bariweiss on Twitter
@bariweiss on Twitter
  • Part 5 concludes the end of the Twitter Files relating to the ban of DJT.
  • After Elon Musk bought Twitter, Trump's account was reinstated.

Part 6:

  • Part 6 of the Twitter Files revolves around the FBI requesting specific tweets, accounts, and hashtags to be deleted or banned.
@elonmusk on Twitter
@mtaibbi on Twitter
@mtaibbi on Twitter
@mtaibbi on Twitter
@mtaibbi on Twitter
@mtaibbi on Twitter
  • Slack messages and emails confirmed members of the FBI censored free speech on Twitter.
  • This set of Twitter Files showed the people how the US government suppressed free speech.

The Twitter Files Part 1-3
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The Twitter Files Part 7-8
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